Monday, 11 March 2013

League Poster: Final Draft

Here is the Final Draft for the poster I shall be producing for the exam. I will also produced a Landscape version.

-The Background is a simple gradient from a light blue to black, which gives the appearance of entering deep water. There is also a slight pattern overlay on the background, which adds some slight watery texture.

-The Submarine and Rocks are produced using LEGO Digital Designer. The models were positioned and photographed within the program, and then the photos were added to the Photoshop document.

-The submarine has a Gradient and a Colour Overlay to change it's lighting, so as not to make it look like plastic and ensure it looks like it's entering the deep waters below. 

-The Rocks have a Pattern Overlay applied to give them a grainy, rocky texture. There is also a Colour Overlay, with a Layer Style which ensures it's dark, gloomy appearance (except for where it is struck by the light beams from the sub.

-The beams of light are simple Vector shapes, with a slight opacity and Layer Style. They act upon the slightly lighter areas of the stone, giving them a grungey glisten. The Texture of the background also works it's way into the beams, giving them the effect that they are illuminating the water as they travel through it.

-The Font used for the Title and Actor names is named Metalstorm. I chose it as it has an industrial, sci-fi aesthetic, which suits the theme of the Submarine's mechanical aspects.

-The credit block is borrowed from an already existent movie poster. I will create my own in the exam.

What I'll improve:
  • Higher Resolution
  • Better background gradient (Less blockyness, more progression of darker tones)
  • Less LEGO-ey Submarine
  • Custom credit block
  • Better looking text
  • Brighter light beams
  • Landscape version
  • Tagline/Chaux-quote

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